first of all , i apologize for talking smack about our lair. Casanova crew is actually pretty legit, and i have hanged out with certain members for a couple of times. In fact i have seen you in person before, shaken your hand, and you are a pretty cool person, (BTW those pics are not really Jared.. i was trolling you guys). Anything i said about Casanova crew was just part of my "trolling" persona, and not my actual personal opinions. YOU GUYS ARE PRETTY DARN GOOD!
Anyways you mentioned about policing the scene. I admire that and i would like to be part of a white hat team that separates the scammers from the real teachers. I am actually very good with women, and i pretty much have my inner game and outer game down,(well except for some pretty influential girls). Most people would not believe that i troll, or that im in the seduction community. What im really concerned is about my competition. I dont want guys to know the real dark secrets of seduction, so i am kinda happy that most companies are pretty shitty.
I am actually curious to see how the seduction community works, from a first person point of view.
Well, i am not your average person. I bet that working behinds the scenes with you will bring a good change to the community.
Im in my 20s, but im a financial, creative, and seduction prodigy.... but i do not want to teach bootcamps, but i am instructor level. Well maybe change my marketing image, and get a new style. I believe i can be highly beneficial to your idea of policing the seduction community.
I have the weird abilty to make friends with almost everyone, and i think we can actually do this.
Who i am in real life, and i troll to be is not the same lol.
JTheRipper: WTF! so you were monstar, i cannot beleive it! why you do it man.
Ive met nick before, he is actually pretty god looking and has other businesses too. you would be surprised. he makes 184,000 a year.